Curso on-line: CLIL METHODOLOGY 15/16 (ONLINE)
Teacher training is a key factor in improving the quality of teaching for the Education Department of the Junta de Castilla y León, and it is also a priority of its education policy, with particular attention to CLIL new teachers in bilingual schools of the entire community. This online course offers a first approach to CLIL methodology and its basic principles.
Esta actividad formativa está cofinanciada por la Junta de Castilla y León y el Fondo Social Europeo.
1.- To offer an initial approach to CLIL for new teachers in the bilingual program
2.- To get to know the linguistic and methodological aspects used in the construction of an integrated curriculum in the various non-linguistic subjects
3.- To value the importance of the process of foreign language literacy and the need to establish daily routines and using graphic organizers
4.- To acquire knowledge and tools to develop content in a foreign language (CLIL) and their evaluation
1.- Basic principles of CLIL Methodology
2.- Establishment of daily routines as an opening to the oral and written production of students
3.- CLIL teaching units design
Competencia didáctica y atención a la diversidad
Competencia lingüístico-comunicativa
Todo el profesorado
1.- Teachers interested in CLIL methodology
Course intended for teachers with no previous training in CLIL Methodology (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in bilingual English Sections
Specific Dynamics of on-line virtual training. Design of a teaching unit.
La actividad se desarrollará entre el 15 de octubre de 2015 y el 11 de diciembre de 2015.
The activity will take place between October 15th 2015 and December 11th 2015.
On-line virtual training through the CFPI platform.
El plazo de inscripción ya está cerrado.
La inscripción finalizó el 30 de septiembre de 2015
La superación de esta actividad dará derecho a un certificado de formación de 30 horas equivalentes a 3.0 créditos.
Overcoming this activity entitles a training certificate of 30 hours equivalent to 3.0 credits. The CFPI will certify 30 hours (3 credits) as long as the participant has visualised all the content displayed and all tasks delivered to the tutor have been evaluated positively.
Plan Autonómico de Formación 2015/2016 cofinanciado por la Junta de Castilla y León y el Fondo Social Europeo.