The “Opening minds to STEM careers” MOOC for teachers is meant to train and empower primary and secondary teachers in successfully introducing and attracting young people to choose STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) careers from an early age, as well as to learn about private and public initiatives on STEM education. This course is offered due to the collaboration between the Consejería de educacion of Castilla Leon and European Schoolnet.

Participants need to have at least an intermediate level in English, as the course will be held in that language.
Esta actividad formativa está cofinanciada por la Junta de Castilla y León y el Fondo Social Europeo.
1.- Understand the importance of integrating STEM Career orientation in their curriculum and lessons.
2.- Be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to introduce STEM careers to their students, inspire and guide them in their STEM career choices.
3.- Learn how to introduce STEM career materials in the classroom
4.- Become familiarized with a series of STEM applied to real life careers.
1.- STEM careers orientation
2.- Currently relevant STEM industries and what is the spectrum of jobs available in each of them.
3.- Learn practical steps to introduce STEM career activities in the classroom;
4.- Learn how to integrate STEM professionals in school activities
Competencia didáctica y atención a la diversidad
Competencia digital (TIC)
Competencia lingüístico-comunicativa
Todo el profesorado
1.- In-service teachers interested in STEM working in schools supported by public funds of the Community of Castilla y León.
2.- In case the number of inscriptions is superior to the places available, there will be a draw which will take place the 21st of March at CFP Idiomas.
This MOOC will run for 9 weeks, with a total of 8 modules.

The course will be developed through the European Schoolnet platform. You will receive concrete information about how to sign in for the course in the European Schoolnet webpage once you have been admitted.

Assessment strategies: Quizzes, peer reviews and self-reviews
La actividad se desarrollará entre el 3 de abril de 2017 y el 5 de junio de 2017.
The course will be developed from the 3rd of April to the 4th of May 2017.
El plazo de inscripción ya está cerrado.
La inscripción finalizó el 20 de marzo de 2017
La superación de esta actividad dará derecho a un certificado de formación de 30 horas equivalentes a 3.0 créditos.
Participants will get a certification of 30 hours, 3 credits, by CFP IDIOMAS if they complete the activities proposed and the tasks are evaluated positively.
Plan Autonómico de Formación 2016/2017 cofinanciado por la Junta de Castilla y León y el Fondo Social Europeo.